May be …
He took the canvas in his hand. It was filled with vibrant colors. But he did not know what it meant. Impulsively he picked up his brush and painted the canvas white. As he did, he thought “May be if he had spent more time the random colors would have made some sense??”. He was back to square one. He started splashing colors again blending them into random shades and patterns. He thought “What will i do if i do find some meaning?”. He spent hours working and reworking the aimless canvas. “Lavenderblush” “Moccasin” “Teal” “Tan” “Navy Blue” hmmm.. “Cyan” ” ochre yellow” “Lemon yellow” ” Maroon” Sh*t. He thought “May be the colors were not supposed to mean anything at all” . In desperation he splashed a wild Red across. In a flash he saw it. He thought “Why Red?” “But also, why not?” He resumed with renewed vigor. Soon every stroke , every touch and every drop of color fell in place. He placed the brush down but he knew he wasn’t done. “Er … oh yeah of course”. He reached out and spread out a touch of white into a neat wave. He thought “Why White? Because this time, I know its got to be white”. He took the masterpiece in his hand like a new born baby. He placed it gently on his night stand. He slid into his bed and watched the painting dissolve in to a dreamless sleep. Peace.
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