The Color of Emotions ...
Colors have a subtle specialty .Omnipresent. This character of colors can be explained in 2 ways depending upon the way we view it.
The first one and the simplest way of explanation ....I look around I see nothing sans colors. Every thing in nature has a color to it. Well the second and the subtler and by far more complex interpretation, the one which I am here to share my views on are the abstract colors. These are the colors you don’t see. It’s beyond that. You actually feel them. But to do this you need to tune your mind. In simple words you need to love colors.
Looking back at the times I have used my brush in the past, I used to wonder how my emotions reflect on the usage of a particular league of colors. Why I liked different colors at different times. When I looked closely I found the colors followed some pattern. It took me some time to realize one of the most ironical of things. I was indeed feeling colors and thereby seeing emotions
At this point, I believed I was relating light colors for happiness and dark ones for sadness. But soon I realized the classifications were bit more complex. I just collected my works and made a study. I found that I used yellow to red transition (colors generally termed as warm colors in art community) when I was happy and the green to blue transition (colors generally termed as cold colors in art community) when I was sad. The astonishing fact that is incidentally deciphered from this is, the color change from happy to sad is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet is the transition of colors in a rainbow.
Also, it is important to remember that the color of emotions are exposed when the painting is made naturally just for the love of making them and also when there is freedom of colors. In this way, while the color of love is generally white (ironically mixture of colors), vices generally go with dark brown or black.
While fear goes with yellow to brown transition. Guilt goes with yellow to blue transition.
Once an artist understands these subtle nature of colors to express emotions and lets the colors flow to portray emotions, he starts to mature and thus is born a master piece.